# Seasonal Halving Log-Log (SHLL) Model This is my model. There are many ones like it, but this one is mine. It is a Bayesian generalized linear mixed model of the price of Bitcoin in USD terms using its progression through halvings $\left(^{total\ blocks\ mined}/_{210,000}\right)$. It is in the family of "Power Law" models that are common, but those generally use the number of days from genesis. My research has shown that halving progression may be more appropriate. I have never done a formal write up on the model and its assumptions, but I plan to in the near future. Some details may be found [here](https://x.com/croque__m/status/1606405236918476800). All data has been sourced from the [Coin Metrics data archives](https://github.com/coinmetrics/data/tree/master).